Wednesday, December 22, 2004
2005 is just around the corner too. Almost a year ago, at the beginning of 2004, I was looking ahead and thinking how big this year was for me. I just wanted school and In Focus to end. I couldn't wait for the O's to be over and done with. Now I actually miss school. Ok, well not school exactly. It's more of the friends and those unforgettable times we shared. The debating sessions. Chatting while having recess and lunch together. Sharing our problems. Going to TM after school. Kenneth spewing watermelon out of his nose while Ili and I exploded into peals of laughter(Heh heh sorry dude).
I guess what makes these memories more precious is the fact that we're going to drift apart. What's worse is we've probably already started to. Somewhere after June, we just didn't hang out together as much. When we did, there would always be a few people missing. Maybe it was because we were all concentrating on the O's, but even after that ended, plans to go out usually fell apart. We're all slowly heading in different directions without realising it. Then again, change isn't always a bad thing. Next year will be full of big changes, new friends to make, and more fun to have. I'd just like to say that whatever happens, I'll always remember the experiences I had with my close friends. You guys know who you are! Never forget, okay? Friends forever, give or take.
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Roger Rabbit's Cartoon Spin: a wild ride through
the back alleys of toontown! The only ride
with a PG sense of humour in the G rated world
of Disneyland, you are zany, wild, and a little
bit of a loose screw. Energetic and colorful,
you go at full speed, even though your taxi-car
vehicles actually have four flat tires!
Despite your older humor, you are a kid at
heart and kids most relate to your cartoony
world and like you the best. You've been know
to make the adults a little queasy and a litte
bit dizzy. You leave your visitors dazed, a
little confused, but more often, extremely
amused. You take us to the places we'd never
see in a ride featuring the straight-laced
Mickey, but somehow you're still all Disney.
What Disneyland attraction are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Thursday, December 09, 2004
Preparations started a week before the big night. I got my dress and went for a manicure just for the fun of it. I also got my eyebrows plucked, which wasn't fun at all. On the day itself, I bustled to get ready. Kenneth came over at 3 to hang out for a while, then left a little while after my aunt came over to do my hair and makeup. After she finished, I couldn't believe it was my reflection staring back at me in the mirror. I took a few photos before leaving and hopped into a cab to the Intercontinental Hotel. Everyone there looked so mature and stunning...and they couldn't recognise me either. Haha.
The evening began with a dressup game and a scavenger hunt. Both were won by table 3. Dinner started soon after while the nominees for Mr/Miss Graduate were announced. In the end, Farah and Chong Xun took the titles. Other stuff that happened during the night were the distribution of CCA certificates (I got silver), a little dancing contest and of course, loads of photo-taking. The only letdown was the lack of dancing. There was supposed to be about half an hour of dancefloor, but as dinner started late due to photo-taking, everyone was still eating and there was no time. I'm not sure how many people wanted to dance anyway. A couple of guys went to the floor to breakdance though. Very entertaining! When it was all over, most people, including me, stayed behind to take more pics. I came home totally knackered out and went to sleep after taking a quick shower. The night was, in a single word, fabulous. I'd like to thank everyone who came, the teachers and student council for planning the whole thing, and lastly all my good friends who made the past 4 years in TPSS memorable. Thank you all!
Other stuff that happened these 9 days:
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Grad Night's in 6 days...I've gotten a dress already. Before the O's ended, I saw pics of last year's Grad Night and told myself not to get a black outfit since everyone seemed to be in black. But I ended up with a black dress because I liked the design and the other colours were out of stock. Oh well, it's still a nice dress! I'm trying to figure out everything I wanna do to prepare for prom now later. Ciao!
Saturday, November 13, 2004
Thursday, November 11, 2004
Your Lip Gloss Flavor Is: WatermelonYou tend to approach life as a fun game - being playful at every turn. You're a flirt with flair, and your the type most likely to surprise your date. But you're popularity doesn't stop with guys... you've got a great group of girlfriends too! You're fresh, aggressive, and more than a little sassy. The tangy taste of watermelon goes great on your lips. What Flavor Lip Gloss Are You? Take This Quiz :-) |
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Bad hair day, no prob when you're KYAN Douglas:
Grooming Guru. Time to exfoliate.
What Fab 5 member from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy are you?(with pics)
brought to you by Quizilla
You are 'Silent Night'! You really enjoy
Christmas, and you like your Christmases
conventional. For you, Christmas is about
family and traditions, and you rather enjoy the
rituals of going to church at midnight and
turning off the lights before flaming the plum
pudding. Although you find Christmas shopping
frustrating, you like the excitement of
wrapping and hiding presents, and opening a
single door on the Advent Calendar each day.
You like the traditional carols, and probably
teach the children to sing along to them. More
than anyone else, you will probably actually
have a merry Christmas.
What Christmas Carol are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Which Food Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Saturday, November 06, 2004
Saturday, August 21, 2004
I believe I am perfect. Others may not think so, but those others are wrong. What Sort of Hat Are You? |
I am something of a gambler, but generally a wise one - I only gamble if I expect to win. A negative aspect of this is that people tend to shy away from playing with me. What Sort of Hat Are You? |
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Friday- I went to watch Spiderman 2 with Viv last Friday.. .and I love it!!! It's better than the first movie, very dramatic... you really feel for Peter Parker coz his life had a lot of disappointing twists... but it all turned out well in the end. So that's 2 spiderman movies down and 7 more to go. Whoa.
Sunday- Woke up early and went to the airport to send my Uncle off coz he was going back to London. He came to visit my gran and was my godparent at confirmation. Then ate breakfast with my parents and my other uncle and his family. My lil 5 yr old cuz bought breakfast from BK just coz he wanted the scrambled eggs, and didnt touch the rest of the food. Hehe. Went home and then went for 12.30 mass in church. Recognised a few people but didnt see my good friends... but I'll see them next Sat! Yay! After mass I headed to TM to get eyedrops and then spent the rest of the day home.
Monday- School again...nothing much happened except Kenneth and another friend quarreled and stopped speaking to each other. English prelim orals after school... it was pretty easy... but I didn't have much to say for the picture. After that I went home to take a nap, had dinner and went for tuition. Typical monday.
Tuesday- Kenneth and friend still not on good terms... awkward tension between them throughout the whole day. Both didn't come to the canteen during lunchtime so I went up to see what they were doing and found them arguing again. Watched the Smallville finale at night... I didn't quite understand why Chloe's house exploded and Lex got choked on a drink. I can't believe it ended like that... hope the next season starts soon so I can find out what happens.
Today- Kenneth and friend still angry at each other, but became friends again at lunch. Then Kenneth was mad at me coz he said I was talking bad about him when he was around, when I was just relaying his view of the argument to the other party so they could try and reach a settlement. But later he apologised so the group's still together... but we've all started drifting apart a lil. Hope we don't lose contact after graduation. Had a Geography test today too... I concentrated on plantations, but the question was on market gardening. After school I was really tired so decided not to go for tuition... called my tutor to go this sunday instead but there was no space so I hafta go three times next week... argh!
That's basically what happened for the week. Pretty long, huh?
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
In focus is cancelled, so we can go back at 1.50. Good thing too, staying back until 4.35 is exhausting! I'm so mentally tired at the end of the long school day that I just feel blank. Maths tuition twice a week at night doesnt help. Oh well it's just a few months more of hanging in there, and then we graduate... kinda sad actually... I'll still come back next year to see my cca and stuff.
Ok then it's back to the books for me... physics and maths test tomorrow. I find probability pretty easy, it's physics I'm really worried about.. I don't get the cathode ray oscilloscope! Help!
Sunday, July 18, 2004
Where I used to sit and talk with you
We were both 16 and it felt so right
Sleeping all day, staying up all night
Staying up all night
There's a place on the corner of Cherry Street
We would walk on the beach in our bare feet
We were both 18 and it felt so right
Sleeping all day, staying up all night
Staying up all night
If I could find you now things would get better
We could leave this town and run forever
Let your waves crash down on me and take me away
There's a piece of you that's here with me
It's everywhere I go, it's everything I see
When I sleep, I dream and it gets me by
I can make believe that you're here tonight
That you're here tonight
If I could find you now things would get better
We could leave this town and run forever
I know somewhere, somehow we'll be together
Let your waves crash down on me and take me away
I remember the look in your eyes
When I told you that this was goodbye
You were begging me not tonight
Not here, not now
We're looking up at the same night sky
And keep pretending the sun will not rise
Be together for one more night
Somewhere, somehow
If I could find you now things would get better
We could leave this town and run forever
I know somewhere, somehow we'll be together
Let your waves crash down on me and take me away
Friday, July 16, 2004
To go or not to go to the Arts Fest concert tomorrow? I have an english mock exam in the morning... then inter-disciplinary day which is supposed to be compulsory but they didn't say anything about the sec 4 express so I'm not going... I wanna sleep... hehe. I don't have a ticket for the concert, but Mrs Cheng said she'll get me in... I'm not sure if she meant I sneak in or she'll get me a tic... so I dunno if I'll even be allowed in... ok I'm just going on and on about nothing coz I've nothing to blog about... so I'll stop here.
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Nothing special happened today... had physics n bio practical, my teacher sang during mother tongue, relative velocity is getting harder, we finished the chem syllabus... yeah. Pretty boring...
I'm supposed to give some speech tomorrow during the assembly tomorrow about Arts Fest. I don't think there's anything to say about it! Help! I think I'll just tell Mrs Choon I'll do it another day... judging by recess yesterday, I'll probably get booed of the stage anyway.
You're well-known and always cheery. You're just an all-around friendly person! You are loyal and can be trusted with a secret. Many people admire you.
Sunday, July 11, 2004
My inner child is sixteen years old!
Life's not fair! It's never been fair, but while
adults might just accept that, I know
something's gotta change. And it's gonna
change, just as soon as I become an adult and
get some power of my own.
How Old is Your Inner Child?
brought to you by Quizilla
Tuesday, July 06, 2004
After waiting for a long time,4th July finally came...woke up at 8,had breakfast,showered,got dressed and everything...then took a few photos and headed for church!
Once I got there,I found my class...Jim,Viv n Adora were already there..sat with viv for a while then went to sit with my godfather coz he was by himself.Fiona gave us each a necklace with a pendant with a dove on it,and cards with each of the gifts of the holy spirit.Thanks Fiona!Deb came and sat behind me and gave us a small gift..thanks Deb!Since I'm saying thank yous now,I'd also like to thank my aunt for getting me a white gold neckclace with a cross from England. :D We took loads n loads of pictures outside to pass the time.Then after some waiting we lined up with our godparents and went up to the main church.
We practised this song in church and then the Archbishop arrived.Actually 2 Archbishops arrived.Then mass started.It was pretty much like a normal mass,except for the renewal of our baptismal sins before the homily,the laying of hands and the anointing with chrism oil.The oil smelt really nice,like lavender.I had a big smile throughout the mass..finally confirmed!After mass we took class pics and some other pics..then everyone went now confirmation's over...gonna miss everyone..but hopefully can still meet up yeah?K well thats pretty much it...ciao
Friday, June 25, 2004
Blink 182
The drops of rain they fall all over
This awkward silence makes me crazy
The glow inside burns light upon her
I'll try to kiss you if you let me
(this can't be the end)
Tidal waves they rip right through me
Tears from eyes worn cold and sad
Pick me up now, I need you so bad
Down down down down [x4]
It gets me so
Down down down down [x4]
It gets me so
Your vows of silence fall all over
The look in your eyes makes me crazy
I feel the darkness break upon her
I'll take you over if you let me
(You did this)
Tidal waves they rip right through me
Tears from eyes worn cold and sad
Pick me up now, I need you so bad.
Down down down down [x4]
It gets me so
Down down down down [x4]
It gets me so
Friday, June 18, 2004
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
You are CLARISSA EXPLAINS IT ALL. She is a rad
chick with absolutely no fashion sense. If you
are a guy and chose this... you are gay.
Which old school Nickelodeon show are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Thursday, June 10, 2004
C | Charismatic |
H | Honorable |
E | Earthy |
R | Relaxed |
Y | Yummy |
L | Light |
E | Exciting |
N | Naive |
E | Eccentric |
Name Acronym Generator
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
Aight I'm back from school...this week is just full of mother 6 periods a day...boring!!!What's more,because I had to sit for the chinese mock paper 1 for the 3rd time this week,I missed watching Mrs Krothers' play at the Esplanade.What a bummer.Ok nvm...pass the MT 'O' levels and then I won't hafta take the subject again!Ever!Yay!
I think my block got fumigated coz while I was walking under the void deck on the way home,the floor was peppered with dead cockroaches and some that were still moving.Ironically there was some kinda chinese funeral-sounding music playing in the background if it was for the cockroaches.Ha.
Sunday, May 16, 2004
Saturday, May 15, 2004
Wow I deserted my blog for more than a month...well just to say I probably won't be posting much,maybe I will in the June hols,but after that I'll be real busy and all with prelims and o levels coming,so if I dont update in ages y'all know why.
I have the flu rite now...didnt go to sch yesterday coz I had a high fever...38.9 I missed my a maths papers..I already missed 3 days of exams coz of being sick..well it's only mid-year so i guess nvm but I hope this doesnt happen during the real thing.k well I'm gonna go rest now so cya
Saturday, April 03, 2004
Monday - Had only two hours of lessons coz there was an emergency drill after that...nothing special,just your normal fire drill except with fire engines and the police coming to our school..we were let off at 12 so I could chill at home!*does happy dance*
Tuesday - Lessons were ok...sat with samuel,bertrand and the rest during chinese remedial and it was funny coz they kept doing nonsense...yeah so I think it was the only chinese remedial I didnt find totally boring so far...hehe..after that I went for drama club practice in the air rifle range.We're doing a play on Sang Nila Utama for this year's speech day so it was sort of an audition...I got picked to be one of the Gods.Basically the Gods watch the the others and at certain points the humans freeze and the Gods will comment on whatever is going on...they have the only speaking roles...the others are's really cool,with music and everything,but I won't say too much you hafta see for yourself =)
Thursday and Friday - During rehearsals I was with the other 3 gods thinking of what we could say and then writing out the script...most of the time we were talking rubbish but it actually helped coz we came up with pretty funny stuff..think the play's going really well..probably one of the best we've put up so far...yeah hope people will enjoy it!
Friday - After school Kenneth,Shirin and I went to parkway parade shopping mall to eat at banquet..had spaghetti which I havent had in a long time...after we finished eating we walked around the whole mall window shopping...was damn happy coz I haven't gone out after school for ages but now that the debates are over I have more free time again so yay!
Right now I'm just relaxing at home...later on going to church for some activity and a special mass so can't go for sports day...anyway I wish all those participating in the events good luck and of course..go Emerald!!!
Thursday, March 25, 2004
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
First post in a week coz I've been busy with debate and sch and stuff so when I get home I don't feel like writin...anyway tomorrow is the last debate course...finally!lol..yeah we won the semi-finals last week so now we're in the finals against chung cheng on friday in tampines regional library.The topic is "youths today have lost their sense of idealism".Yay.
Today I went to school,had PE and Geog,almost slept in Physics but kept myself awake so Mdm Lim wouldn't call me...then after recess was english..which btw is getting more boring everyday coz now it's usually just compre and compo.We had Maths in the IT resource room so got to enjoy air-con for 2 periods.Then after that was 1 period bio..which was more like 1 period of walking around coz we went up to class,then to the lab,then we had to leave coz another class was gonna have lessons we walked around a bit and finally decided to go to the hall.Oh yeah and Mr Hafiz showed us the photos of him when he was young and he was really fat...then he showed us photos of him after his crash diet..what a big diff!Anyway we also got our bio test 76.5 so I dont hafta redo the whole paper...phew!Had assembly which was mega boring...some emergency exercise briefing..then went to the canteen for lunch..then had chinese..didnt really pay attention...wouldnt understand much yeah then for in focus we had to complete the social studies homework,then after that Ms Naz was sick so we didnt have debate course so went home took a nap then went fof tuition...and now I'm back here...anyway gotta go think of rebuttals I guess...ciao
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
Thursday, March 11, 2004
Yeah I haven't updated for a while...ok lets see..what's been happening...well we won our first debate!!!WOOHOO!!!Our next one is next yeah..wish my team luck!Before we left for the competition Mr Neo said he'll treat us to Country Manna if we get in the quarter finals.I somehow doubt that he'll keep that promise.The nostril hair talking,maybe?Haha.
I had to tie my hair today coz they were doing a hair check and my hair is too long to leave down...and its better than getting a haircut from Mr Toh,I mean have you seen how he cuts hair?I remember he cut this guy's hair near where I was sitting with some of my friends,he didnt even use the proper was more like the big kind you use for cutting cloth...or meat..and he just snipped chunks off.Even though I really dislike tying my hair up,there's no way I'm letting that happen to my hair!When Mdm Shareena saw she was like,"heehee!"I had people telling me I look nicer this way,and some saying they prefer my hair down,so I really dunno?Lol.I'll try to take a pic and post it.I think it would probably look better if I had contacts.Which I WILL get someday.Hehe.Anyway we had a vectors test...pretty okay,except for one tiny part I didnt really know,I think I'll do okay.Then after school I went for the debate course...we were planning our case for most of the session...the motion is "Technology helps to improve our lives" and we're the proposition...if anyone has any ideas on some points the opposing team will say just tag my board or mite be helpful coz I'm doing rebuttals.Came back at around 6 plus,did some homework and of course now I'm writing this...haha..anyway I think i'll finish off here...see ya!
Tuesday, February 24, 2004
Today was kinda draggy...started off with a boring speech by Mr Neo about...the bird flu or somethin?The only thing I remember him sayin was "Chickens are birds,birds are birds."Geez...can he sound any dumber?Anyway let's all give him a big thank you for that INGENIOUS theory.I think his nostril hair has grown so long,it's reached his brain and clogged up his train of thought....must be why he came up with silly programmes like In Focus.I know according to the human anatomy there's no way nostril hair can reach the brain,I just came up with that for the sake of taking a dig at our principal.
So after that we had lessons...3 periods A maths,2 periods physics,then recess...while we were eatin n talkin Mr Neo (again!) came over to our table carrying a cane n said "Don't worry,I only use this to kill birds."He seems to hate birds...maybe it's coz they thought his long nostril hair were worms n tried pullin them out to eat.Ok thats enuff of Mr Neo-bashing for one day...haha.After recess we had 1 period cme but it was used for E math instead..then we had social studies...Mr Chew was on course but he gave us classwork so did that...then we had english and I forgot to bring my dictionary,but luckily Mrs Khoo let us off this time.Phew!Had lunch break after that n then had 2 periods chinese...and much to everyone's relief the chinese test was postponed to next week!Wooooooo!!!!After that for in focus I had to go for chinese remedial...there we had to work in grps of 2 or 3 n write a short paragraph describin someone in the class.In the end my partner n I described Jovian.Finally school ended n I met Kenneth n Swapna downstairs..Swapna went home,n Kenneth n I met Shirin,n her mother treated us to Delifrance!Thanks again!Finally,I came home and wrote this =D Anyway I better go study for the upcoming tests...ciao!
Thursday, February 19, 2004
I kinda like thursdays,coz the next day would be friday,and then its the weekend! =D
So lets see what happened today...hmm...played a mix of captain's ball and touch rugby during wasn't too bad but I think soccer's more fun,even though I'm not that good at's still more fun.Lol.Then during physics we did a practical on electricity,current,potential difference and that kinda stuff.And I seem to have lost my practical workbook.Argh!!!Anyway...after we were done and started fillin in the answers,I noticed my classmate seemed to be sleeping with his forehead leanin against the edge of the table.Then my partner noticed and after a while,there was this saliva bubble forming at his mouth,and some of it dripped onto the floor,then his partner noticed and woke him up,just when some more drool fell on the floor.Haha!After that we had chem,we did titration ...and I totally got the wrong results this time,but better luck with the next one I guess.Had bio after that,then lunch,then Mother Tongue.I was like,falling asleep for most of the boring man!We had Math in focus after that and then finally,FINALLY I could go home!
So I came home to find my bro's suitcase half packed,and then I realised that he's already going back to Perth tomorrow.I mean of course I knew,but I guess I just didn't really register it until today.When my bro ain't here,the house is B.O.R.I.N.G.There's nobody to goof around with and talk to,ya know?The noise.The laughter.The loud singing.Dancing in the study.Hearing the tv downstairs late at nite while I'm trying to sleep.Waking up early in the morning and hearing music in the study sometimes if he's awake and using the computer,which makes me feel more upbeat and I'll think "hey today wont be so bad".But now he'll be away for another 4 months.I can't even go to the airport to see him off coz his flight's in the morning and I hafta go to school.He hasn't left yet,but I miss him already.Hope 4 months pass quickly....
Monday, February 16, 2004
Sunday, February 15, 2004
The shadow in the background of the morgue
The unsuspecting victim of darkness in the valley
We can live like Jack and Sally if we want
Where you can always find me
We'll have Halloween on Christmas
And in the night we'll wish this never ends
We'll wish this never ends
Don't waste your time on me you're already
The voice inside my head (I miss you miss you)
Don't waste your time on me you're already
The voice inside my head (I miss you miss you)
Where are you and I'm so sorry
I cannot sleep I cannot dream tonight
I need somebody and always
This sick strange darkness
Comes creeping on so haunting every time
And as I stared I counted
Webs from all the spiders
Catching things and eating their insides
Like indecision to call you
and hear your voice of treason
Will you come home and stop this pain tonight
Stop this pain tonight
Don't waste your time on me you're already
The voice inside my head (miss you miss you)
Don't waste your time on me you're already
The voice inside my head (miss you miss you)
Don't waste your time on me you're already
The voice inside my head (I miss you miss you)
Don't waste your time on me you're already
The voice inside my head (I miss you miss you)
Sunday, February 08, 2004
I'm gonna try summarizin stuff dat happened dis week.On monday I went to my uncle's house for housewarming lunch.The food was pretty nice...then sat around for awhile,after dat I went to join my bro in my gran's room..she was lying on da bed..she seems to do that a lot nowadays...and she kept askin us questions,like whether anything will happen to her,will she go to jail...some of da questions really didn't make sense,and she kept repeating them over n over again.It frustrated my parents n my uncle n aunt after a while...there was a point where me n my bro juz burst out laughin...couldn't help it...but on a serious gran could be dementing...not a gd sign..anyway after dat I came back n took a nap...then went for tuition..then went to sleep when I reached tired.
Tuesday- sch was pretty boring as usual...after lessons had chinese remedial from 3 to 4...met Kenneth first after that to go to Swapna's house...she didnt come to sch so we had to pass her homework...after that we went to TM...Ili met us later at the mcdonalds where crazy invisible phone guy usually goes.We helped her to choose a bday prezzie for a friend,then we went to starbucks coz Kenneth wanted to eat cheesecake in hope of gaining weight.Ili and I ate chocolate cake instead.Nearing finishing the cheesecake,kenneth felt like vomiting,possibly coz ili was making vomiting was almost 7 by then so I went home,did homework etc etc.
Thursday- after sch,me,tracie and terence were sittin in the canteen talkin,mostly about ghost stories/sightings in our school.The student leaders were havin a birthday bash for those born in January.We wished we could take one of the drinks,terence suggested sneaking over and taking one...but we decided it wouldnt work..haha.
Friday- I sooo love fridays coz sch ends early!!!Anyway after sch I went back home for a while then went back to sch to watch the soccer match between Siglap and St Pats.Since I have friends in St Pats,I went to support them.The sun was baking hot and I'm sure I turned a shade darker after that.Unfortunately they lost 5-0,but I think they played pretty well.Some of the guys in their team are pretty cute too.Hehe.
Saturday- The day of my sch's annual mass run...reached bedok reservoir at around 7.15..met Ili,then we had to go to our houses...waited for a long time coz they made the lower sec girls run first,then lower sec guys,then the upper sec we started running at around...8.30?yeah...caught up with Shirin along the way and half walked half ran with her...we finally reached the end of 3.6 km n went to buy a drink from 4e5's stall..they were selling drinks,bananas,sweets n tissue paper...while waiting for the prize giving ceremony to start,we were playing with the ice from the icebox with drinks in it...we even had to stick our hand in it to find the 20 cents lynette dropped was damn cold,after about 2 seconds ur hand starts to sting,and when u take ur hand out it's numb...but it was a good way to cool off after the run.At the end of it all Amethyst won the overall champion house for the mass run,and after picking up litter,we went home.
Sunday- Sunday is probably one of the best days coz of catechism!Today was the start if catechism class(cat class for short),and I got to see all my church friends.Upon reaching I met Adora,and we both stood outside to wait for Deb.In the meantime,Ed came and waited with us and once Deb arrived we entered church and went upstairs to the classes.To our dismay,we found out that due to the size of our classroom this year,they split some of us up.Deb,Jamie and I were in 4C,but Viv,Adora and Andre were now in 4A.So we couldn't be all together...but that didnt last long.We got a new teacher called Fiona,and she was not bad...we spent about an hour getting to know her and introducing ourselves,and she gave us each a journal with our names written on them.She also talked to us about confirmation,since we are gonna get confirmed this year,and our confirmation names.We each have to choose a confirmation name,after one of the saints,so she told us the stories about a few saints...and she explained some things that we dont understand,so the lesson was kinda fun.To make things better,after the lesson ended,Adora,Viv n Andre came to our class and asked the catechist if they could change classes and join ours.Since both our catechist and theirs agreed,we can all be together again.Yay!I think catechism is gonna be a lot more interesting this year,and after this we'll be kinda "graduating" in june so there's gonna be more activities.I can't wait,but I dont really want catechism to end so soon,it's one of the only lessons which is actually relaxing,and I'm gonna miss seeing my friends there every week.I've grown to enjoy going to church,attending catechism and mass,especially after the con 3 camp.It made me realise how important my faith is to me and how much I love being catholic.Anyway I think I've written I'll stop here..will post another time..later!
Monday, January 26, 2004
Friday, January 23, 2004
My Chinese New Year visiting is pretty much done already...only had to go 2 places,my granddad's house and my uncle's house...went to my granddad's house on da eve for reunion dinner...there was a blackout when we came n everyone was sittin in da dark..haha..later we had to eat in da dark too..with candles n everything.3 electricians came...da 3rd one finally fixed the problem..but by then we were already headin home..haha..
The next day we went back there for some angpows,watched some tv..then all of us went back home for a rest before headin down to my uncle's house for was the usual scene,relatives playing poker,relatives playing mahjong,and relatives watching tv..haha..managed to catch the premiere of American Idol 3..I think thats my fave part..da auditions...when it ended it was abt midnite..and everyone started going my mom,dad and I hitched a ride in the back of my uncle's pickup van,which was da same way we came..its pretty funny coz people drivin behind it would stare at us...was pretty tired when I came home so I fell asleep pretty yeah thats pretty much the summary of the past two days..haha..gtg now so see ya!
Friday, January 09, 2004
Finally it's Friday.For a while there,I thought the week was never gonna end!After school I walked around TM for a while with Ili,Tracie and Elina,before going with them to the mcdonalds near the interchange for lunch.It's been totally revamped since the last time I went,looks more modern now,some of the seats even had cushions.Unfortch we didnt get the cushion seats coz they were full and by the time there were some empty ones we had already sat down and ordered.While eating,we noticed a man sitting on one of the cushion seats with his thumb in his ear,and he was speaking to himself in malay.I asked Ili and Elina what he was saying,and they said he was talking about parents,he has 2 mothers and 1 father,something about fighting,and even flowers.After a while,he got up and walked to the door,was about to push it open,then stopped and stood there for a while still talking with his thumb in his ear.He repeated the door thing a few times before leaving mcdonalds and immediately "put down his phone" once he was out the door.We joked that there was no reception outside...when suddenly after a few minutes the man came back in again,and the moment he sat down on the same seat he put his thumb back in his ear and started talking.We couldnt stop laughing was as if he could use his invisible phone in mcdonalds coz its the only place with reception.He was talking pretty loudly and a woman working there looked at him amused.When he "hung up" and left,she told us he goes there everyday.I suppose it entertains people..haha.