Saturday, April 03, 2004

Monday - Had only two hours of lessons coz there was an emergency drill after that...nothing special,just your normal fire drill except with fire engines and the police coming to our school..we were let off at 12 so I could chill at home!*does happy dance*

Tuesday - Lessons were ok...sat with samuel,bertrand and the rest during chinese remedial and it was funny coz they kept doing nonsense...yeah so I think it was the only chinese remedial I didnt find totally boring so far...hehe..after that I went for drama club practice in the air rifle range.We're doing a play on Sang Nila Utama for this year's speech day so it was sort of an audition...I got picked to be one of the Gods.Basically the Gods watch the the others and at certain points the humans freeze and the Gods will comment on whatever is going on...they have the only speaking roles...the others are's really cool,with music and everything,but I won't say too much you hafta see for yourself =)

Thursday and Friday - During rehearsals I was with the other 3 gods thinking of what we could say and then writing out the script...most of the time we were talking rubbish but it actually helped coz we came up with pretty funny stuff..think the play's going really well..probably one of the best we've put up so far...yeah hope people will enjoy it!

Friday - After school Kenneth,Shirin and I went to parkway parade shopping mall to eat at banquet..had spaghetti which I havent had in a long time...after we finished eating we walked around the whole mall window shopping...was damn happy coz I haven't gone out after school for ages but now that the debates are over I have more free time again so yay!

Right now I'm just relaxing at home...later on going to church for some activity and a special mass so can't go for sports day...anyway I wish all those participating in the events good luck and of course..go Emerald!!!