Ten Top Trivia Tips about Cherylene!
- You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching Cherylene.
- Cherylene cannot swim!
- All gondolas in Venice must be painted black unless they belong to Cherylene.
- Cherylene is the smallest of Jupiter's many moons.
- A thimbleful of Cherylene would weigh over 100 million tons.
- Cherylene can remain conscious for fifteen to twenty seconds after being decapitated.
- Cherylene can use only about ten percent of her brain.
- If you break Cherylene, you will get seven years of bad luck!
- The international dialling code for Cherylene is 672!
- The first Cherylene was made in 1853, and had no pedals!
Sadly, #2 is fact! How'd they know!??!!?! *shifty eyes*