Sunday, March 27, 2005

Happy Easter!

Today I went for the 11 am Easter Mass with my mom...packed as usual. Had lunch at Century Square, then went to get groceries. We bought a tub of Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie ice cream. Haha. And my dad and bro just got back from Perth! I wanted to go, but accomodation would be difficult. Luckily they brought back stuff, mostly nuts and chocolate. But they did get really nice soap from Lush for me. Smells heavenly. =)

Yesterday was my cousin's 6th birthday, so I went to my uncle's house for dinner. There was about 20 kids, comprising of his cousins and friends, running around everywhere. Getting them to settle down was impossible..haha. After dinner I went with Tiara to send one of her friends home, then this group of boys sitting at a playground started calling out to us and trying to get our attention. Monkeys! We took another path back. I went home at about 10.30 and stayed up until 2 before finally going to sleep. Haha.

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